Monday, August 27, 2012

Quelimane - Week 19

I'm writing a lot later than usual today, but that's because the Osborn's took us to the beach this morning! It was so sick. We go once every transfer, so it's nice to be able to go and do that! We ate on the beach and made steak sandwiches, threw the football around (horray!), and even helped some fishermen fish! It was pretty cool. We also ran up and down the beach catching stuff like crabs, 2 jellyfish, and a swordfish! It was a lot of fun. I'm sure the Osborn's will send you some pictures. Question, are you able to pull pictures off their blog? Hope so, cause I feel bad for not sending any home yet.
It was un unbelievable week this past week with the baptism. One of the best things I've experienced, is when Raul stood up and bore his testimony after being baptized. It's amazing to see testimonies grow from nothing, to strong testimonies. I hope I get to experience that a lot more! And I know I will. Other than the baptism, we were also super busy! We are so busy because we have to find 35 new families each week, while having 48 marked lessons. So it makes it pretty crazy. But I love doing it!
Sounds like everything back home is changing. Can't believe Nick is in 9th grade, and sounds like Britt and Tiff are having a lot of crazy changes in their lives as well with school, and the Air Force and Navy and things like that. Sounds crazy... But glad everything is going good!
Mom, about tackle football, his body is precious and doesn't need to take that kind of beating young. You don't need to put him in tackle football until later. He'd be able to catch up with everyone easily. 
Oh, one thing that was cool this week, was that I taught my first district meeting! That was fun! I taught on "The Spirit's role in conversion" and that us as missionaries need to do certain things so our investigators can feel the Spirit. I thought it went ok. Hopefully I helped the Elders out at least a little bit.
This week is a short week for us here in Quelimane. On Thursday morning, we'll take a bus and ride all day to Beira. We're having a mission conference with the north half of the mission. President Renlund an area seventy will be doing the conference. So I'm excited about that! We drive down all day, and we're staying the night in a small village, Dondo overnight. The conference is Friday, and we drive back all day Saturday. I heard it's a crazy drive, and I'm excited to see a lot of the country! Considering I've only seen Maputo and Quelimane so far. I'll have to get some pictures! I'll let you know how the conference went as well.
Well I didn't have much time to write this week, and I'm sorry about that, but we have some lesson planned from 6:00-9:00pm. Including my first dinner appointment at (8:00) so I better go. But I want all of you to know that I'm happy! I love missionary work and I'm working hard everyday. It really has already changed my life. I so blessed to be part of this amazing work. It's humbling that God would let me be a part of these people lives, and play such a big role in helping them find the truth. I hope you all have a good week!


Elder Williams