Monday, September 24, 2012

Quelimane - Week 23

This week definitely went by super fast. It was kind of a crazy week. Still adjusting to everything that's going on, and all the changes. Me and Elder Andrade are getting along. But it's super weird. We have such different teaching styles so we're still trying to figure out how to get used to each other so that we can teaching more effectively. I got so used to teaching with Elder Workman after teaching hundreds of lessons together. So we're slowing adjusting. He likes to use a lot of scriptures. And that's good cause scriptures are important! Also... he LOVES to sing. Non-stop. So that means he especially likes to use hymns at the beginning of lessons. And it's a good idea cause it invites the Spirit. We're slowing adjusting and I know we'll find an affective way to teach together. But he's a super nice guy! It's hard to understand his English every once in awhile, so it's easier to speak portuguese. But he's a super nice guy! As we get more used to each other, we'll become closer as well. 
Our investigators are coming along! We have about 18 progressing investigators right now, and we'll be adding to that as we find new people each and every week. This week we'll be up in the twenties I'm thinking. We have a family getting baptized on Saturday, Jazila and her 9 year old daughter Joyce. They have been so ready for a long time. So I'm so happy for them! We also found an awesome new family a few days ago, Realdo and Elsa. He asks the perfect questions, and the Spirit is always so strong when we teach him. And I know he can feel it. He asked if God provided the world with a proof that Joseph Smith really restored the Church. Answer? The Book of Mormon. So I hope as he reads he will grow a testimony and know that Joseph Smith really did restore the true church of God. He is one of those that is already to recieve the Gospel.
We have also found some other really nice families as well, who I think will progress very nicely this next week. It's been nice to have some more finding time lately as we drop the investigators who aren't keeping commitments. That's one of the hardest things for me. Dropping investigators.
Now I'll answer the questions that dad asked me. My camera, is fine. And I am taking pictures! The past few weeks we've been trying to send pictures but I guess this internet cafe doesn't really work with sending pictures. So I'll hold on to them and send them when I can. Sorry about that!
What brings me the most happiness? Probably when and investigator is keeping commitments and when they recieve answers to their prayers. I love that! And I actually love doing little acts of service for others. I'm always happy when I do that. Which is weird... cause I used to hate that! But that's a good change! But easily the best feeling is to see people change their life through the Gospel and Atonement. The other Elders in the house are great. Elder Christensen from Idaho is a super good missionary, and also Elder Sornenson, from Mountain View in Mesa. So we actually have a few mutual friends cause he know some people from Gilbert. And also Elder Berg from Lehi, and Elder Gibson from southern california. (sorry I didn't tell you that earlier).  I get along very well with everyone... they're all nice guys!
What do I wish I would've done better in my teenage years? Scripture study. I always read the Book of Mormon, but never really studied it. That Book is amazing. I feel bad it look me so long to develop a real love of the scriptures. And I wish I studied the Bible more as well. But my biggest help growing up, Seminary and friends. I honestly believe seminary is so important.
So that's what Small babe (Andrew) and Coke Dean (Nicholas) can do to better prepare. Scriptures, Friends, and Seminary. So important.
Sounds like everything back home is going well! Football, work, school! Sounds like a lot of fun! I love hearing about things that are going on, so keep me updated!
Nate dog (friend from High School) is finally leaving on his mission! Whoo!!! So pumped for him. Go up and talk to him for me as well after he speaks and tell him I love him. Like for real. I do. Haha.
So I got a terrible rash this past week! So painful! But it only lasted for about a day or so. It was super weird. But I'm good now. I don't kow why I told you that, but just figured I would! It hurt so bad you don't know...
A cool experience I'll share we'll quick. So we are teaching this women Pasqoa. She has developed a testimony, and so this week we reviewed the Plan of Salvation with her. Her neighbor is catholic and sat in the lesson with us. We were talking about what will happen after this life, and Pasqoa's friend asked her if she actually believed all that stuff we said. And Pasqoa said an unbelievable testimony to her! It was so cool. It's cool to see people's testimonys grow. And that Pasqoa doesn't care what her neighbor thinks, because she knows it true. Such a good example to us all.
Well, I'm out of time, so I'll talk to you next week! Keep asking questions! And I'll keep working hard. The church is so true.
Love, Elder Williams