Monday, January 14, 2013

Friends Newsletter - January 14, 2013

Friends! What up!
This is my first time writing an actual letter for the newsletter. In the past I haven't had much time, so my parents have just posted letters that I have sent home. But I'm excited to tell you all about my experiences!
It all started April 18th when I entered the MTC. I really feel like I have changed so much and grown as a missionary, person, and a disciple of Christ. I don't know how you guys felt about the MTC, but I loved it! I had a cool district, and the spirit at the MTC is unlike any other place.
I didn't really know I felt about coming here to Mozambique. I wasn't really nervous, just anxious to get out there and apply everything that I had learned in the MTC. I struggled with Portuguese in the MTC. I was by far the worst in my district, But once I got here to the country, I picked it up pretty fast. 
My tranier was unbelievable. He was such a stud. A learned a lot of things from him that really got me going. I'm so glad he was my traniner.
My first area, I was in a city called Quelimane. UNREAL. I loved it. The people I met there are amazing. People that I will definitely visit again when I return. I had some companionship problems with my second companion in Quelimane, but I learned a lot. I learned patience, and I'm grateful for the experience I had to be with him because I really did grow as a missionary. After about 4 months, I left Quelimane. I was so sad to leave! I cried for hours the night before I left. I was transfered to a city called Manga. I got some responsibilty thrown on my shoulders as well. I was thrown into the branch presidency here, and was assigned to train a brazilian elder in my 4th trasfer. This really helped me grow as a missionary! And I'm grateful for the opprotunity to really help the people here in Manga. The word Manga is portuguese for the word mango. I arrived right in the middle of Mango season! It was so nice! The mangos here are unreal.
When transfered to the new area, there was not a whole lot going on here. 1 or 2 progressing investigators in the area. It's difficult because it is a long walk to the chapel. It really is a tough area.
The past two trasfers, we have just been finding. We've gone through tons of familes trying to find those who are ready to hear the gospel. We have families now that are progressing, and will be baptized over the next few weeks, depending how legalization of marriage goes. 
The biggest challenge here is that most people aren't legally married. So in oder to live the law of chasity, these people need to be legally married. The marriage process here is a long one, and many people don't have money suffient to do it. So it is a struggle to help people with this. But we've figured out ways to help these peole. So we'll see what happens!
My Portguese now, is great. I don't have any problems. It's alot easier to pick it up when all I speak is Portuguese. My last 3 transfers I've lived with all forgein elders who don't speak english, so it's been nice. I'm speaking like a native!
So as for now I'm still in Manga, and loving it! My testimony has grown so much, there really is nothing more important than the gospel.
Something I studied in Preach My Gospel the other day, that I would love to share with you all. I studied about "Praying with Faith."
I invite all of you to "meaningful prayer" everynight. I noticed that as I have really focused on having meaningful prayer, the Lord is more willing to help us because we are showing humility when we pray sincerely. I also invite each of you to study that section. It's a good one!
I also invite all of you to continue to do your maximum. As missionaries we have many challenges, especially those of us living in third world contries right now. But just do your best to help people. It's easy to get discouraged, so just smile!
I am excited to hear from each of you!
Wilkes- Argentina baby! People sell little fruit candies in the streets here that are from Cordoba. So thanks! Haha
Moonbeam- Are you serving with speed yet? ruru later?
Chamberlain- I hate the Lakers. I can't believe steve nash...
Natedog- Welcome to the mission field baby! I hope the MTC was good! couragette? so sick.
Well I'm outta time, I gotta get going... But keep working hard, whever you are in the world. I love you all! I know this is the Lord's work and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. Talk to you in a few months!

-Elder Williams