Monday, January 13, 2014

Matola - Week 91

sou moçambicano

Good afternoon!
I hope everyone had a great week. Glad to hear that Taylor's homecoming went well. He was without a doubt, a special missionary. I look up a lot to his example. I loved the pictures as well. Him and Jason look exactly the same...
For me, the week was good. I learned a lot of patience, and I learned that continual obedience always brings blessings. 
We defintately walked a lot this week. Elder Walker isn't used to the walking yet. But he is doing a very good job and I'm very impressed with his effort. His portugues is getting very good as well. As we walk, I say phrases of the lessons in english so that he can translate them. He is doing a good job with that, and it's been helping. It also gives me a chance to touch up on my english a little bit. Sometimes he gives me a hard time about my english... I have become very insecure with my english because of him! haha. I feel like we worked our very hardest during the week. We still saw some disappointements, but we saw some big miracles during the week. 
Our two "locked in" families are doing great. They are Gxxxx and Jxxxx, and Fxxxxx and Vxxxxx. They are doing very well coming to church, and have changed a lot through Book of Mormon study. I continue to be amazed at how people change as they read the Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon wasn't true, there is no way so many people would be changing. It's a big testimony strengthener to me. 
Joana, didn't come to church yesterday because she went out of town to tell her parents that she's getting married next month! Joana was very nervous. She thinks that her parents won't be too happy with her. Gxxxx and Jxxxx are very young. They are both 24 years old, and their parents are very old and very into african traditions. Hopefully her parents don't disown her. We'll find out this week. I'm so grateful for her faith and that she is willing to stand up to her parents to live the commandments.
Fxxxxx and Vxxxxx are progressing very well. I remember when we contacted him a few weeks ago... And I (wrongly) judged him. He was wearing dirty clothes, (etc). But man, I love him. He is so willing to follow Jesus Christ and help his two little sons as well. They take 2 chapas to church each Sunday. They live in a house made of Metal sheets. I can't even stand up striaght in their house. But they are already saving their money to get married. He loves sharing his testimony and is giving lots of references! He really has, "become a new creature." That is one of the signs of true repentance. 
This week, we had 22 new investigators. Amongst these new investigators, the Lord led us to a family of 14 members. 11 of which have the baptismal age. The parents are Exxxxx and Mxxxxx. We found them doing door to door, which was a miracle. We taught them the Restoration, invited them to be baptized,  and marked a return visit. We then focused really hard on the Book of Mormon and gave them a baptismal date. The Spirit really worked on them during these lessons. It was amazing to see. When we invited them to church, they said they wanted to go but it would be hard. They live so far away. For them to get to walk to church with all the kids, it would be about a 2 hour walk. And the kids would be exausted. For them to take a chapa, it would cost 330 metacais for the whole family. That is a fortune. We offered to walk with them, but they said it wouldn't be possible. We closed with a prayer, and left. About 20 minutes later, he called me. He said that he wanted to go to church and he was willing to walk with at least the older kids who would be able to make the journey. Before hanging up he said, "estou muito interessado." Which means "I am very interested." Exxxxx showed so much faith as we walked together to church. And he liked church a lot! I know he was touched while he was there. I know that the Lord will bless him so much for showing his faith. I don't know how, but the Lord will bless him! We are excited to go back there this week to see if they are always willing to make that sacrifice. 
With all they rain, the Lord continues to bless us! He is giving us physical rain, while he continues to shower his blessing over this amazing people. 
We had a very good week, and I know that this week will be even better. I will be doing some splits this week, so that will be a good experience too. I really am so grateful to be a missionary. I hope you all have a good week!
Elder Williams