Monday, October 1, 2012

Quelimane - Week 23

Dear Family, 

Well, I don't even know where to start. This week was very interesting.  I know more than ever that the Lord put me here in Quelimane for a reason.  And I think the reason is to learn patience. I'm committed to the work and always want to do the right thing in all we do.  I'm committed to hitting our goals and pray that we will continue to find great investigators. 
The MTC taught me humility, my first 2 transfers taught me charity and love, and know I'm learning patience. 
Our family Jazila and Joyce didn't get baptized this week... but hopefully within the next couple of months.  
I also got the world worst haircut this past week! Haha i was kind of funny. I was the first white guy hair that the guy did, so he struggled. Haha it looked so bad. People in the house were saying that it made me look like a mexican. And it's kind of true. Haha I guess I'll just wait for it to grow out.
We continue to find more families, but it hard cause most of the contacts we make actually live in another area. One area here in Quelimane is huge! So they get a lot of our contacts. But it's alright, as long as we are getting real growth here in Quleimane!
I'm still happy. I know this is the true church of God on the Earth today, and I'm so grateful to be here in Mozambique to share it with other people. Thanks for everyone's example to me!
Mom, I'll send that letter for all my friends. Thanks for reminding me! I hope your getting to know my friends' mom's a little better as well! Love you!
I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Elder Williams